办公室   第三季

办公室 第三季


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   :办公室 第三季

  Season 3, Episode 1: Gay Witch Hunt  Original Air Date—21 September 2006  Michael apologizes to Oscar, after he finds out he's gay, for calling him a homosexual slur--but his apology outs Oscar to the entire office. And Jim decides to take a promotion at the Stamford office.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 2: The Convention  Original Air Date—28 September 2006  Micheal and Dwight go to a convention in Philadelphia and run into Jim, and Michael becomes jealous of Jim's relationship with his new boss. Meanwhile, Pam gets ready for her first date since her engagement.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 3: The Coup  Original Air Date—5 October 2006  Michael is in trouble once again as Jan busts him for declaring it's "Movie Monday" where everyone watches a movie and neglects work. Angela pushes Dwight to make a move on Michael's job while Pam and Jim find creative ways to waste time.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 4: Grief Counseling  Original Air Date—12 October 2006  Michael takes on the role of office grief counselor when he learns that his old boss has died.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 5: Initiation  Original Air Date—19 October 2006  Dwight takes former temp Ryan to his beet farm to initiate Ryan to his new job at Dunder Mifflin.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 6: Diwali  Original Air Date—2 November 2006  Michael encourages the entire Scranton branch to support Kelly and attend a local celebration of Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights. Meanwhile, Andy convinces Jim to turn a late night of work into a drinking game.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 7: Branch Closing  Original Air Date—9 November 2006  When Jan tells Michael that the Scranton Branch will be shutting down, Michael strives to keep his staff's spirits up. Meanwhile, everyone privately begins to envision how their lives will change in the aftermath.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 8: The Merger  Original Air Date—16 November 2006  Jan informs Michael that the Scanton branch of Dunder Mifflin will be merging with the Stamford Branch. Jim and Pam are reunited while the other employees of both branches must adjust to their new co-workers.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 9: The Convict  Original Air Date—30 November 2006  Michael learns that one of the new employees at Dunder Mifflin Scranton has a criminal record. Meanwhile, Jim helps Andy make a move on Pam.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 10: A Benihana Christmas  Original Air Date—14 December 2006  Trouble among the members of the party planning committee results with the office having two competing Christmas parties, but Michael isn't interested in celebrating because he has just broken up with his girlfriend.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 11: Back from Vacation  Original Air Date—4 January 2007  Michael isn't supposed to let anyone know that he and Jan went on vacation together in Jamaica, but he accidentally circulates a compromising photo of them to the office via e-mail.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 12: Traveling Salesmen  Original Air Date—11 January 2007  Dwight does a favor for Angela to keep her from getting in trouble. Andy finds out and uses it against him to get in tighter with Michael. Now Dwight must fess up, which will reveal his relationship with Angela, or risk getting fired.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 13: The Return  Original Air Date—18 January 2007  Andy does the impossible--he makes everyone in the office miss Dwight, who is forced to take a job at Staples. Meanwhile, Oscar comes back to the office and Michael predictably throws a stereotypical Mexican party to celebrate.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 14: Ben Franklin  Original Air Date—1 February 2007  Michael asks Jim to get a male stripper for Phyllis's office bachelorette party, but he gets a Ben Franklin impersonator instead. Meanwhile, the men's bachelor party goes as planned until Michael becomes uncomfortable with the stripper.  Next US airings:  Tue. Feb. 17 10:00 PM TBS  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 15: Phyllis' Wedding  Original Air Date—8 February 2007  Michael exaggerates the importance of his small role in Phyllis's wedding and makes an ass out of himself, and Pam notices that Phyllis stole all of her wedding ideas from her original wedding plans.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 16: Business School  Original Air Date—15 February 2007  Michael is a guest speaker for Ryan's business class, but they have a falling-out after Michael finds out that Ryan spoke negatively about Dunder-Mifflin. And back at the office, Dwight tries to kill a bat that he found in the ceiling.  Next US airings:  Tue. Feb. 17 10:30 PM TBS  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 17: Cocktails  Original Air Date—22 February 2007  While Michael and Jan go to their first Dunder-Mifflin outing as an official couple, the office workers left behind go out for happy hour. During happy hour, Roy finds out that Jim and Pam kissed at Casino Night.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 18: The Negotiation  Original Air Date—5 April 2007  Dwight saves Jim from an attack by Roy, but Dwight won't allow Jim to thank him for it. Meanwhile, Darryl asks Michael for a pay raise, and Michael discovers that he is woefully underpaid--so Michael goes to headquarters to ask for one himself.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 19: Safety Training  Original Air Date—12 April 2007  Andy returns to the office after weeks of anger management training, determined to make a fresh start with all the Dunder-Mifflin employees. Meanwhile, it's safety training day in the office, and Michael and Dwight are on a mission to illuminate the dangers of the workplace.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 20: Product Recall  Original Air Date—26 April 2007  Michael tries to be proactive during a watermark crisis, but only makes the situation worse. Meanwhile, Angela has trouble being apologetic with customers, and Andy discovers a secret about his new girlfriend.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 21: Women's Appreciation  Original Air Date—3 May 2007  Phyllis gets flashed in the parking lot, and Dwight goes all out to secure the premises. Michael ostensibly takes the women in the office to the mall to comfort them, but he's really doing it to get advice about breaking up with Jan.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 22: Beach Games  Original Air Date—5 May 2007  Michael uses "beach day" at Dunder-Mifflin to find out which employee would be his most capable replacement, just in case he receives the promotion to the New York office that he's applied for.  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Season 3, Episode 23: The Job  Original Air Date—17 May 2007  Michael appoints Dwight as regional manager, anticipating that he will receive the job at corporate. Jim and Karen also interview for the same position. And Michael gets back together with Jan after she gets a boob job. 收起


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